Sunday, March 29, 2009

Electricity Problem in Block A

Received the below complaint letter from an owner of Block A.

On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:55 AM, (deleted) wrote:
What is happening recently? How come there is this electricity problem going on and no one is doing anything about it for so many days already... It happen to my unit (Blk A) sometime last week, however, it was not so serious, as the cut off of electricity is not so often only twice that same night, and after that day it seems alright for the rest of the week, until recently (3 days ago), it started coming back with a vengeance, happening more than 4 times a day, continuosly for the past 3 days...
It was very annoying and my concern was will this electircity coming on and off 'fry' my electrical & electronic appliances? and who is going to be responsible? Did I not pay my electricity bill or maintenance bill to have to endure this pain in the neck issue?

Well, I just hope even before anyone would to see this mail, this problem has already been solved....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We are BACK!!


After almost 6 months, this blog is back as requested by many people be it an owner/tenant from SV.

To start the ball rolling, owners/tenants who wish to publish their reviews/feedbacks/complaints on matters relating to our condo please write an email to
